The Art of Neighboring

Having Spiritual Conversations - Pastor Steve Airth - 11/19/2017

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Jesus said the whole Bible can be summed up in this way: love God and love your neighbors. The first part seems really easy and make sense, but many of us don't know the first thing about our neighbors. Whether they are at work, on our block, in our class or other area we frequent. What would happen if the people of God took Jesus really seriously when it came to this important calling?

Barriers to Neighboring - Pastor Steve Airth - 11/12/2017

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Jesus said the whole Bible can be summed up in this way: love God and love your neighbors. The first part seems really easy and make sense, but many of us don't know the first thing about our neighbors. Whether they are at work, on our block, in our class or other area we frequent. What would happen if the people of God took Jesus really seriously when it came to this important calling?