9/17/17 - Street Lights: Unannoyed

-Steve preached about a God that is not annoyed. How is that an over-simplification? What’s the difference between annoyance and frustration? When is enough, enough?

-Some Christians have said that you have to be in a certain state of being to approach God. What does that mean to you? Are there any conditions to approaching God?

-The Psalmist is down right forceful with God. Telling God to ‘hear Him, and "deliver him, help him". Which is better, prayers that flatter/honor God or prayers that come from the rawest part of us? Why and when?

-Read Psalm 119:169-176 | Which words or phrases stand out to you and why? How can we stray, but never forget God’s word?

-Read Luke 18:1-8 | How is this woman described, besides persistent? What does Justice have to do with persistence? How is God described in this passage?