4/7/19 - Things I Wish Jesus Never Said

-Share any memories you have about the verses of one taken and one left or hour unknown.

-Steve shared his concerns with Bible Prophecy preaching. How would you push back at those concerns? What are some positives about it? Do you struggle with anything part of it?

-Read Matthew 24:42-44 | Jesus calls us to be ready, but also to wait. How would you explain ‘being ready’ to a new Christian? What makes waiting so hard, on any level?

-Read Acts 1:7-8 | Explain the word witness. What does it mean to you (to be one or to bear witness or to witness to someone)?

-Jesus calls them to go to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. Do you think every person has a role in each of these? Why or why not? What do these represent in your life since we don’t live in the Middle East?